Lincoln City Training Ground End of Season Renovations
May 2024
Fineturf made three visits to the training ground of Lincoln City FC over the months of April and May 2024 to conduct end of season renovations on the site three pitches. The venue is comprised of two soil-based pitches and one fibre-sand pitch which is used for first-team training. Renovating in phases meant work could be undertaken without any impact on the club’s training schedule.
While the pitches are comprised of two different constructions, the work conducted was the same. The first stage was to Koro off the surface and remove the vegetation, using a Trilo vacuum to collect any remaining debris. With the surface cleaned, Fineturf supplied between 90-150 tonnes of sports sand which was dressed and levelled.
The pitches were then verti-drained to alleviate any compaction, and a conventional 14-6-8 fertiliser applied ahead of seeding. The venue specified Johnsons Sports Seed J Premier Pitch mix, which was sown at a rate of 60g/m2. Five passes were conducted with a Vredo disc seeder, followed by one pass with a dimple seeder for optimal surface coverage.
Following completion of the works, the site is left immaculately clean and tidy and the surfaces that have been delivered to meet top-class quality standards are returned to the stewardship of the expert grounds team.