Berkhamstead School Cricket Pitch Renovation

August 2018

In August we returned to Berkhamstead School for a third year to complete their end of season cricket pitch renovation. This year we renovated half of the square, 6 pitches and the junior square, 4 x 25m pitches.

A Koro Terraplane removed 15mm of the existing surface and any thatch build up. A further 70mm of loam was removed and stockpiled for reuse.

The pitches were lightly cultivated and laser levelled. The formation was consolidated to a depth of 100mm and surplus material removed. The stockpiled loam was re-spread, laser graded and consolidated. A 30mm layer of new loam was imported and spread before being ameliorated into the existing loam, power raked and regraded.

A pre seeding fertiliser was applied at 45gm2 and Limagrain MM50 grass seed sown at 50gm2. Finally, the grass seed was raked in.

Client Projects