Surbiton Racket & Fitness Club End of Season Renovations
September 2022
Fineturf undertook a comprehensive renovation project for the Surbiton Racket & Fitness Club. The project involved koroing off the existing surface in 2 to 3 directions, followed by Trilo vacuuming off any debris. The surface was then graden in multiple directions. MM50 Amenity Grass Seed was supplied and sown at a rate of 35g per m2, followed by the supply and spreading of tennis loam. The process was repeated with MM50 Amenity Grass Seed to ensure a healthy and durable playing surface/ Lute and drag mat was used to ensure the surface was level, and 6.5.18 fertiliser was supplied and spread to promote healthy grass growth. Finally, all arisings were removed from the site to ensure a clean and tidy finish.