Tamworth Rugby Club Training Pitch Construction

June 2013

Tamworth Rugby Club, who have 16 teams including 10 junior teams, have recently had a new training pitch constructed to accompany their existing training facilities. Fineturf, having previously worked at the club were awarded the contract for a new modern pitch built in accordance with Sport England Natural Turf for Sport Design Guidance and Land Drainage Contractors Association Specifications.

The existing turf was removed and the topsoil carefully excavated, stockpiling for reuse later in the project. Laser guided instrumentation was set up and we proceeded to cut and fill the subsoil to achieve the required levels. The subsoil was decompacted by deeply ripping and the previously excavated topsoil replaced. The area was once again decompacted prior to precision laser grading; delivering the accuracy required from the pitch. Sports sand was ameliorated into the top 100mm of the topsoil which completed the pitch profile.

As part of the specification a full drainage system was installed. 100lm of main drain was excavated, 100mm pipe installed and backfilled using gravel and finally 150mm of rootzone. 480lm of lateral drainage, at 5m centres was also installed with narrower trenches and 80mm pipe. Finally, sand slits at 1m centres, backfilled with silica sports sand. Two silt traps and a carrier drain completed the drainage system.

Final ground preparations were carried out using a Blec Rotor Rake, 10:10:10 fertiliser applied and the surface sown using a Blec Cultipack and MM60.