Hadleigh Bowls Club Green Renovation

September 2012

Fineturf have recently completed the renovation of Hadleigh Bowling Club which was in poor condition and in need of urgent works to become playable.

The existing turf was removed using a Hallmarket big roll harvester and loaded onto a trailer using a Kubota loader tractor. This is a quick and efficient method of removing a natural turf surface where manoeuvrability and access is challenging.

The surface was aerated, to a depth of 4 inches, using a Wiedenmann Terra Spike. Headland Xtend 10:10:10 was applied at 35gm2, a slow release fertiliser that will continue to supply the grass with nutrients for 3 months. Headland Axis was also applied at 100gm2 which will further relieve lower soil compaction and improve drainage.

The concrete channels were raised 4 inches to allow for new rootzone to be imported. 1 inch of rootzone was spread and ameliorated into the topsoil layer using a Blecavator. A further 3 inches of rootzone was tipped and graded out using a Blec Laser Grader that accurately levelled the final surface. As with the majority of our bowling green renovations final ground preparation was carried out using hand rakes. A 6:5:18 quick release fertiliser was applied and the final surface sown using Limagrain MM10 seed, an 80% fescue, 20% bent mixture.